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Version: release-0.8

Configure BackupPolicy

Configure encryption key

To ensure that the restored cluster can access the data properly, KubeBlocks encrypts the cluster's credentials during the backup process and securely stores it in the Annotation of the Backup object. Therefore, to protect your data security, it is strongly recommended to carefully assign Get/List permissions for backup objects and specify an encryption key during the installation or upgrade of KubeBlocks. These measures will help ensure the proper protection of your data.

kbcli kubeblocks install --set dataProtection.encryptionKey="your key"
kbcli kubeblocks upgrade --set dataProtection.encryptionKey="your key"

Create cluster

Prepare a cluster for testing the backup and restore function. The following instructions use MySQL as an example.

# Create a MySQL cluster
kbcli cluster create mysql mysql-cluster

# View backupPolicy
kbcli cluster list-backup-policy mysql-cluster
mysql-cluster-mysql-backup-policy true mysql-cluster May 23,2023 19:53 UTC+0800 Available
mysql-cluster-mysql-backup-policy-hscale false mysql-cluster May 23,2023 19:53 UTC+0800 Available

By default, all the backups are stored in the default global repository. You can execute the following command to view all BackupRepos. When the DEFAULT field is true, the BackupRepo is the default BackupRepo.

# View BackupRepo
kbcli backuprepo list

View BackupPolicy

After creating a database cluster, a BackupPolicy is created automatically for databases that support backup. Execute the following command to view the BackupPolicy of the cluster.

kbcli cluster list-backup-policy mysql-cluster
mysql-cluster-mysql-backup-policy default true mysql-cluster Oct 30,2023 14:34 UTC+0800 Available
mysql-cluster-mysql-backup-policy-hscale default false mysql-cluster Oct 30,2023 14:34 UTC+0800 Available

The backup policy includes the backup methods supported by the cluster. Execute the following command to view the backup methods.

kbcli cluster describe-backup-policy mysql-cluster
kbcli cluster describe-backup-policy mysql-cluster
Name: mysql-cluster-mysql-backup-policy
Cluster: mysql-cluster
Namespace: default
Default: true

Backup Methods:
xtrabackup xtrabackup-for-apecloud-mysql false
volume-snapshot volumesnapshot-for-apecloud-mysql true

For a MySQL cluster, two default backup methods are supported: xtrabackup and volume-snapshot. The former uses the backup tool xtrabackup to backup MySQL data to an object storage, while the latter utilizes the volume snapshot capability of cloud storage to backup data through snapshots. When creating a backup, you can specify which backup method to use.