KubeBlocks CLI Overview
Addon command.
- kbcli addon describe - Describe an addon specification.
- kbcli addon disable - Disable an addon.
- kbcli addon enable - Enable an addon.
- kbcli addon index - Manage custom addon indexes
- kbcli addon install - Install KubeBlocks addon
- kbcli addon list - List addons.
- kbcli addon search - Search the addon from index
- kbcli addon uninstall - Uninstall an existed addon
- kbcli addon upgrade - Upgrade an existed addon to latest version or a specified version
Manage alert receiver, include add, list and delete receiver.
- kbcli alert add-receiver - Add alert receiver, such as email, slack, webhook and so on.
- kbcli alert config-smtpserver - Set smtp server config
- kbcli alert delete-receiver - Delete alert receiver.
- kbcli alert list-receivers - List all alert receivers.
- kbcli alert list-smtpserver - List alert smtp servers config.
BackupRepo command.
- kbcli backuprepo create - Create a backup repository
- kbcli backuprepo delete - Delete a backup repository.
- kbcli backuprepo describe - Describe a backup repository.
- kbcli backuprepo list - List Backup Repositories.
- kbcli backuprepo update - Update a backup repository.
Run a benchmark.
- kbcli bench delete - Delete a benchmark.
- kbcli bench describe - Describe a benchmark.
- kbcli bench list - List all benchmarks.
- kbcli bench pgbench - Run pgbench against a PostgreSQL cluster
- kbcli bench sysbench - run a SysBench benchmark
- kbcli bench tpcc - Run tpcc benchmark
- kbcli bench tpch - Run tpch benchmark
- kbcli bench ycsb - Run YCSB benchmark on a cluster
builder command.
- kbcli builder migrate-scripts - migrate - a developer tool.
- kbcli builder template - tpl - a developer tool integrated with KubeBlocks that can help developers quickly generate rendered configurations or scripts based on Helm templates, and discover errors in the template before creating the database cluster.
Manage classes
- kbcli class create - Create a class
- kbcli class list - List classes
- kbcli class template - Generate class definition template
Cluster command.
- kbcli cluster backup - Create a backup for the cluster.
- kbcli cluster cancel-ops - Cancel the pending/creating/running OpsRequest which type is vscale or hscale.
- kbcli cluster configure - Configure parameters with the specified components in the cluster.
- kbcli cluster connect - Connect to a cluster or instance.
- kbcli cluster create - Create a cluster.
- kbcli cluster create-account - Create account for a cluster
- kbcli cluster custom-ops -
- kbcli cluster delete - Delete clusters.
- kbcli cluster delete-account - Delete account for a cluster
- kbcli cluster delete-backup - Delete a backup.
- kbcli cluster delete-ops - Delete an OpsRequest.
- kbcli cluster describe - Show details of a specific cluster.
- kbcli cluster describe-account - Describe account roles and related information
- kbcli cluster describe-backup - Describe a backup.
- kbcli cluster describe-backup-policy - Describe backup policy
- kbcli cluster describe-config - Show details of a specific reconfiguring.
- kbcli cluster describe-ops - Show details of a specific OpsRequest.
- kbcli cluster diff-config - Show the difference in parameters between the two submitted OpsRequest.
- kbcli cluster edit-backup-policy - Edit backup policy
- kbcli cluster edit-config - Edit the config file of the component.
- kbcli cluster explain-config - List the constraint for supported configuration params.
- kbcli cluster expose - Expose a cluster with a new endpoint, the new endpoint can be found by executing 'kbcli cluster describe NAME'.
- kbcli cluster grant-role - Grant role to account
- kbcli cluster hscale - Horizontally scale the specified components in the cluster.
- kbcli cluster label - Update the labels on cluster
- kbcli cluster list - List clusters.
- kbcli cluster list-accounts - List accounts for a cluster
- kbcli cluster list-backup-policy - List backups policies.
- kbcli cluster list-backups - List backups.
- kbcli cluster list-components - List cluster components.
- kbcli cluster list-events - List cluster events.
- kbcli cluster list-instances - List cluster instances.
- kbcli cluster list-logs - List supported log files in cluster.
- kbcli cluster list-ops - List all opsRequests.
- kbcli cluster logs - Access cluster log file.
- kbcli cluster promote - Promote a non-primary or non-leader instance as the new primary or leader of the cluster
- kbcli cluster register - Pull the cluster chart to the local cache and register the type to 'create' sub-command
- kbcli cluster restart - Restart the specified components in the cluster.
- kbcli cluster restore - Restore a new cluster from backup.
- kbcli cluster revoke-role - Revoke role from account
- kbcli cluster start - Start the cluster if cluster is stopped.
- kbcli cluster stop - Stop the cluster and release all the pods of the cluster.
- kbcli cluster update - Update the cluster settings, such as enable or disable monitor or log.
- kbcli cluster upgrade - Upgrade the cluster version.
- kbcli cluster volume-expand - Expand volume with the specified components and volumeClaimTemplates in the cluster.
- kbcli cluster vscale - Vertically scale the specified components in the cluster.
ClusterDefinition command.
- kbcli clusterdefinition describe - Describe ClusterDefinition.
- kbcli clusterdefinition list - List ClusterDefinitions.
- kbcli clusterdefinition list-components - List cluster definition components.
- kbcli clusterdefinition list-service-reference - List cluster references declared in a cluster definition.
ClusterVersion command.
- kbcli clusterversion list - List ClusterVersions.
- kbcli clusterversion set-default - Set the clusterversion to the default clusterversion for its clusterdefinition.
- kbcli clusterversion unset-default - Unset the clusterversion if it's default.
kbcli context allows you to manage cloud context. This command is currently only applicable to cloud, and currently does not support switching the context of the local k8s cluster.
- kbcli context current - Get the currently used context.
- kbcli context describe - Get the description information of a context.
- kbcli context list - List all created contexts.
- kbcli context use - Use another context that you have already created.
List and open the KubeBlocks dashboards.
- kbcli dashboard list - List all dashboards.
- kbcli dashboard open - Open one dashboard.
Data protection command.
- kbcli dataprotection backup - Create a backup for the cluster.
- kbcli dataprotection delete-backup - Delete a backup.
- kbcli dataprotection describe-backup - Describe a backup
- kbcli dataprotection describe-backup-policy - Describe a backup policy
- kbcli dataprotection list-backup-policy - List backup policies
- kbcli dataprotection list-backups - List backups.
- kbcli dataprotection restore - Restore a new cluster from backup
Inject faults to pod.
- kbcli fault delete - Delete chaos resources.
- kbcli fault io - IO chaos.
- kbcli fault list - List chaos resources.
- kbcli fault network - Network chaos.
- kbcli fault node - Node chaos.
- kbcli fault pod - Pod chaos.
- kbcli fault stress - Add memory pressure or CPU load to the system.
- kbcli fault time - Clock skew failure.
infra command
- kbcli infra create - create kubernetes cluster.
- kbcli infra delete - delete kubernetes cluster.
KubeBlocks operation commands.
- kbcli kubeblocks compare - List the changes between two different version KubeBlocks.
- kbcli kubeblocks config - KubeBlocks config.
- kbcli kubeblocks describe-config - Describe KubeBlocks config.
- kbcli kubeblocks install - Install KubeBlocks.
- kbcli kubeblocks list-versions - List KubeBlocks versions.
- kbcli kubeblocks preflight - Run and retrieve preflight checks for KubeBlocks.
- kbcli kubeblocks status - Show list of resource KubeBlocks uses or owns.
- kbcli kubeblocks uninstall - Uninstall KubeBlocks.
- kbcli kubeblocks upgrade - Upgrade KubeBlocks.
Authenticate with the KubeBlocks Cloud
Log out of the KubeBlocks Cloud
Data migration between two data sources.
- kbcli migration create - Create a migration task.
- kbcli migration describe - Show details of a specific migration task.
- kbcli migration list - List migration tasks.
- kbcli migration logs - Access migration task log file.
- kbcli migration templates - List migration templates.
- kbcli migration terminate - Delete migration task.
Print the list of flags inherited by all commands.
kbcli org is used to manage cloud organizations and is only suitable for interacting with cloud.
- kbcli org current - Get current organization.
- kbcli org describe - Get the description information of an organization.
- kbcli org list - List all organizations you have joined.
- kbcli org switch - Switch to another organization you are already a member of.
Bootstrap or destroy a playground KubeBlocks in local host or cloud.
- kbcli playground destroy - Destroy the playground KubeBlocks and kubernetes cluster.
- kbcli playground init - Bootstrap a kubernetes cluster and install KubeBlocks for playground.
Provides utilities for interacting with plugins.
Plugins provide extended functionality that is not part of the major command-line distribution.
- kbcli plugin describe - Describe a plugin
- kbcli plugin index - Manage custom plugin indexes
- kbcli plugin install - Install kbcli or kubectl plugins
- kbcli plugin list - List all visible plugin executables on a user's PATH
- kbcli plugin search - Search kbcli or kubectl plugins
- kbcli plugin uninstall - Uninstall kbcli or kubectl plugins
- kbcli plugin upgrade - Upgrade kbcli or kubectl plugins
report kubeblocks or cluster info.
- kbcli report cluster - Report Cluster information
- kbcli report kubeblocks - Report KubeBlocks information, including deployments, events, logs, etc.
Print the version information, include kubernetes, KubeBlocks and kbcli version.