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Version: release-0.9

Delete a Kafka cluster

Termination policy


The termination policy determines how a cluster is deleted. Set the policy when creating a cluster.

terminationPolicyDeleting Operation
DoNotTerminateDoNotTerminate blocks delete operation.
HaltHalt deletes Cluster resources like Pods and Services but retains Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs), allowing for data preservation while stopping other operations. Halt policy is deprecated in v0.9.1 and will have same meaning as DoNotTerminate.
DeleteDelete extends the Halt policy by also removing PVCs, leading to a thorough cleanup while removing all persistent data.
WipeOutWipeOut deletes all Cluster resources, including volume snapshots and backups in external storage. This results in complete data removal and should be used cautiously, especially in non-production environments, to avoid irreversible data loss.

To check the termination policy, execute the following command.

kubectl -n demo get cluster mycluster
mycluster kafka kafka-3.3.2 Delete Running 19m


Run the command below to delete a specified cluster.

kubectl delete -n demo cluster mycluster

If you want to delete a cluster and its all related resources, you can set the termination policy to WipeOut, then delete the cluster.

kubectl patch -n demo cluster mycluster -p '{"spec":{"terminationPolicy":"WipeOut"}}' --type="merge"

kubectl delete -n demo cluster mycluster