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Version: release-0.9

Connect to a Kafka cluster

Before you connect to the Kafka cluster, you must check your network environment, and from which network you would like to connect to the cluster. There are three scenarios of connecting.

  • Connect to the cluster within the same Kubernetes cluster.
  • Connect to a kafka cluster from outside of the Kubernetes cluster but in the same VPC.
  • Connect to a kafka cluster from public internet.

Connect to a kafka cluster within the Kubernetes cluster

Within the same Kubernetes cluster, you can directly access the Kafka cluster with ClusterIp service:9092.


  1. Get the address of the Kafka ClusterIP service port No..

    kubectl get svc -n demo
    kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 9d
    mycluster-kafka-cluster-broker-headless ClusterIP None <none> 9092/TCP,9093/TCP,9094/TCP,5556/TCP 7d16h
    mycluster-kafka-cluster-broker ClusterIP <none> 9093/TCP,9092/TCP,5556/TCP 7d16h
  2. Connect to the Kafka cluster with the port No..

    Below is an example of connecting with the official client script.

    1. Start client pod.

      kubectl run kafka-producer --restart='Never' --image --command -- sleep infinity
      kubectl run kafka-consumer --restart='Never' --image --command -- sleep infinity
    2. Log in to kafka-producer.

      kubectl exec -ti kafka-producer -- bash
    3. Create topic. --create --topic quickstart-events --bootstrap-server xxx-broker:9092
    4. Create producer. --topic quickstart-events --bootstrap-server xxx-broker:9092 
    5. Enter:"Hello, KubeBlocks" and press Enter.

    6. Start a new terminal session and login to kafka-consumer.

      kubectl exec -ti kafka-consumer -- bash
    7. Create consumer and specify consuming topic, and consuming message from the beginning. --topic quickstart-events --from-beginning --bootstrap-server xxx-broker:9092

      And you get the output 'Hello, KubeBlocks'.

Connect to a Kafka cluster from outside of the Kubernetes cluster but in the same VPC

If you use AWS EKS, you may want to access to the Kafka cluster from EC2 instance. This section shows how to perform the connection.


  1. Set the value of host-network-accessible as true.

    kbcli cluster create kafka mycluster --host-network-accessible=true -n demo
  2. Get the corresponding ELB address.

    kubectl get svc -n demo

    This image illustrates the ELB address of a cluster named fig70.

    gain elb address

    note is the ELB address accessible within the same VPC of K8s.

  3. Use the ELB address to connect.

    In the above example, the ELB address is

Connect to a Kafka cluster from public internet


The current version only supports Kafka broker with a single replica (combined: --replicas=1 or separated: --broker-replicas=1) to adpot the following approach.


  1. Set the --publicly-accessible value as true when creating cluster.

    kbcli cluster create kafka mycluster --publicly-accessible=true -n demo
  2. Get the corresponding ELB address.

    kubectl get svc -n demo

    This image illustrates the ELB address of a cluster named maple96.

    gain ELB address cross vpc

    note is the ELB address accessible over the public network.

  3. Configure hostname mapping.

    1. Log in to the remote machine.

    2. Check ELB address IP address.

    3. Gain the Broker address.

      The Broker address follows a fixed format. Just replace {clusterName} in the string below with the Kafka Cluster Name.

    4. Configure /etc/hosts mapping.

      vi /etc/hosts
      # Add at the bottom. Make sure to replace {clusterName} and the IP address with the actual values:
      52.83.xx.xx {clusterName}-broker-0.{clusterName}-broker-headless.default.svc
  4. Use ELB address to connect.

    In the above example, the ELB address is