Install KubeBlocks with Helm
KubeBlocks is kubernetes-native, you can use Helm to install it.
Environment preparation
Resource Requirements | ||
Control Plane | It is recommended to create 1 node with 4 cores, 4GB memory and 50GB storage. | |
Data Plane | MySQL | It is recommended to create at least 3 nodes with 2 cores, 4GB memory and 50GB storage. |
PostgreSQL | It is recommended to create at least 2 nodes with 2 cores, 4GB memory and 50GB storage. | |
Redis | It is recommended to create at least 2 nodes with 2 cores, 4GB memory and 50GB storage. | |
MongoDB | It is recommended to create at least 3 nodes with 2 cores, 4GB memory and 50GB storage. |
Installation steps
Use Helm and follow the steps below to install KubeBlocks.
Create dependent CRDs.
kubectl create -f
Add Helm repo.
helm repo add kubeblocks
helm repo update -
Install KubeBlocks.
helm install kubeblocks kubeblocks/kubeblocks --namespace kb-system --create-namespace
If you want to install KubeBlocks with custom tolerations, you can use the following command:
helm install kubeblocks kubeblocks/kubeblocks --namespace kb-system --create-namespace \
--set-json 'tolerations=[ { "key": "control-plane-taint", "operator": "Equal", "effect": "NoSchedule", "value": "true" } ]' \
--set-json 'dataPlane.tolerations=[{ "key": "data-plane-taint", "operator": "Equal", "effect": "NoSchedule", "value": "true" }]'If you want to install KubeBlocks with a specified version, follow the steps below.
View the available versions in KubeBlocks Release.
Specify a version with
and run the command below.helm install kubeblocks kubeblocks/kubeblocks --namespace kb-system --create-namespace --version="x.x.x"
noteBy default, the latest release version is installed.
Verify KubeBlocks installation
Run the following command to check whether KubeBlocks is installed successfully.
kubectl -n kb-system get pods
If the KubeBlocks Workloads are all ready, KubeBlocks has been installed successfully.
kb-addon-snapshot-controller-649f8b9949-2wzzk 1/1 Running 2 (24m ago) 147d
kubeblocks-dataprotection-f6dbdbf7f-5fdr9 1/1 Running 2 (24m ago) 147d
kubeblocks-6497f7947-mc7vc 1/1 Running 2 (24m ago) 147d