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Version: release-0.8

Simulate network faults

Network faults support partition, net emulation (including loss, delay, duplicate, and corrupt), and bandwidth.

  • Partition: injects network disconnection and partition.
  • Net emulation: simulates poor network conditions, such as high delays, high packet loss rate, packet reordering, and so on.
  • Bandwidth: limits the communication bandwidth between nodes.

Before you start

  • During the network injection process, make sure that the connection between Controller Manager and Chaos Daemon works. Otherwise, the NetworkChaos cannot be restored anymore.
  • If you want to simulate Net emulation fault, make sure the NET_SCH_NETEM module is installed in the Linux kernel. If you are using CentOS, you can install the module through the kernel-modules-extra package. Most other Linux distributions have installed the module already by default.

Simulate fault injections by kbcli

Common flags for all types of network faults.

📎 Table 1. kbcli fault network partition flags description

OptionDescriptionDefault valueRequired
pod nameSpecify the name of the Pod to inject the fault. For example, add the Pod name mysql-cluster-mysql-0 to the command, and the complete command would be kubectl fault pod kill mysql-cluster-mysql-0.DefaultNo
--directionIt indicates the direction of target packets. Available values include from (the packets from target), to (the packets to target), and both ( the packets from or to target).toNo
-e,--external-targetIt indicates the network targets outside Kubernetes, which can be IPv4 addresses or domain names. This parameter only works with direction: to.NoneNo
--target-modeIt specifies the mode of the target. If a target is specified, the target-mode mode should be specified together. one (selecting a random Pod), all (selecting all eligible Pods), fixed (selecting a specified number of eligible Pods), fixed-percent (selecting a specified percentage of Pods from the eligible Pods), and random-max-percent (selecting the maximum percentage of Pods from the eligible Pods) are selectable.NoneNo
--target-valueIt specifies the value of the target.NoneNo
--target-labelIt specifies the label of the target.NoneNo
--durationIt defines how long the partition lasts.NoneNo
--target-ns-faultIt specifies the namespace of the target.NoneNo

Network partition

Run the command below to inject network-partition into the Pod and to make the Pod mycluster-mysql-1 partitioned from both the outside network and the internal network of Kubernetes.

kbcli fault network partition mycluster-mysql-1

Network emulation

Net Emulation includes poor network conditions, such as high delays, high packet loss rate, packet reordering, and so on.


The command below injects network-loss into the Pod mycluster-mysql-1 and the packet loss rate is 50%.

kbcli fault network loss mycluster-mysql-1 --loss=50

📎 Table 2. kbcli fault network loss flags description

OptionDescriptionDefault valueRequired
--lossIt specifies the rate of packet loss.NoneYes
-c, --correlationIt indicates the correlation between the probability of a packet error occurring and whether it occurred the previous time. Value range: [0, 100].NoneNo


The command below injects network-delay into the Pod mycluster-mysql-1 and causes a 15-second delay to the network connection of the specified Pod.

kbcli fault network delay mycluster-mysql-1 --latency=15s -c=100 --jitter=0ms

📎 Table 3. kbcli fault network delay flags description

OptionDescriptionDefault valueRequired
--latencyIt specifies the delay period.NoneYes
--jitterIt specifies the latency change range.0 msNo
-c, --correlationIt indicates the correlation between the probability of a packet error occurring and whether it occurred the previous time. Value range: [0, 100].NoneNo


The command below injects duplicate chaos into the specified Pod and this experiment lasts for 1 minute and the duplicate rate is 50%.

--duplicate specifies the rate of duplicate packets and the value range is [0,100].

kbcli fault network duplicate mysql-cluster-mysql-1 --duplicate=50

📎 Table 4. kbcli fault network duplicate flags description

OptionDescriptionDefault valueRequired
--duplicateIt indicates the probability of a packet being duplicated. Value range: [0, 100].NoneYes
-c, --correlationIt indicates the correlation between the probability of a packet error occurring and whether it occurred the previous time. Value range: [0, 100].NoneNo


The command below injects corrupt chaos into the specified Pod and this experiment lasts for 1 minute and the packet corrupt rate is 50%.

kbcli fault network corrupt mycluster-mysql-1 --corrupt=50 --correlation=100 --duration=1m


The command below sets the bandwidth between the specified Pod and the outside environment as 1 Kbps and this experiment lasts for 1 minute.

kbcli fault network bandwidth mycluster-mysql-1 --rate=1kbps --duration=1m

📎 Table 4. kbcli fault network bandwidth flags description

OptionDescriptionDefault valueRequired
--rateIt indicates the rate of bandwidth limit.NoneYes
--limitIt indicates the number of bytes waiting in the queue.1No
--bufferIt indicates the maximum number of bytes that can be sent instantaneously.1No
--prakrateIt indicates the maximum consumption rate of bucket.0No
--minburstIt indicates the size of peakrate bucket.0No

Simulate fault injections by YAML file

This section introduces the YAML configuration file examples. You can view the YAML file by adding --dry-run at the end of the above kbcli commands. Meanwhile, you can also refer to the Chaos Mesh official docs for details.

Network-partition example

  1. Write the experiment configuration to the network-partition.yaml file.

    In the following example, Chaos Mesh injects network-partition into the Pod and to make the Pod mycluster-mysql-1 partitioned from both the outside network and the internal network of Kubernetes.

    kind: NetworkChaos
    creationTimestamp: null
    generateName: network-chaos-
    namespace: default
    action: partition
    direction: to
    duration: 10s
    mode: all
    - default
    - mycluster-mysql-1
  2. Run kubectl to start an experiment.

    kubectl apply -f ./network-partition.yaml

Network-emulation example

Network-loss example

  1. Write the experiment configuration to the network-loss.yaml file.

    In the following example, Chaos Mesh injects network-loss into the Pod mycluster-mysql-1 and the packet loss rate is 50%.

    kind: NetworkChaos
    creationTimestamp: null
    generateName: network-chaos-
    namespace: default
    action: loss
    direction: to
    duration: 10s
    loss: "50"
    mode: all
    - default
    - mycluster-mysql-1
  2. Run kubectl to start an experiment.

    kubectl apply -f ./network-loss.yaml

Network-delay example

  1. Write the experiment configuration to the network-delay.yaml file.

    In the following example, Chaos Mesh injects network-delay into the Pod mycluster-mysql-1 and causes a 15-second delay to the network connection of the specified Pod.

    kind: NetworkChaos
    creationTimestamp: null
    generateName: network-chaos-
    namespace: default
    action: delay
    correlation: "100"
    jitter: 0ms
    latency: 15s
    direction: to
    duration: 10s
    mode: all
    - default
    - mycluster-mysql-1
  2. Run kubectl to start an experiment.

    kubectl apply -f ./network-delay.yaml

Network-duplicate example

  1. Write the experiment configuration to the network-duplicate.yaml file.

    In the following example, Chaos Mesh injects duplicate chaos into the specified Pod and this experiment lasts for 1 minute and the duplicate rate is 50%.

    kind: NetworkChaos
    creationTimestamp: null
    generateName: network-chaos-
    namespace: default
    action: duplicate
    direction: to
    duplicate: "50"
    duration: 10s
    mode: all
    - default
    - mysql-cluster-mysql-1
  2. Run kubectl to start an experiment.

    kubectl apply -f ./network-duplicate.yaml

Network-corrupt example

  1. Write the experiment configuration to the network-corrupt.yaml file.

    In the following example, Chaos Mesh injects corrupt chaos into the specified Pod and this experiment lasts for 1 minute and the packet corrupt rate is 50%.

    kind: NetworkChaos
    creationTimestamp: null
    generateName: network-chaos-
    namespace: default
    action: corrupt
    correlation: "100"
    corrupt: "50"
    direction: to
    duration: 1m
    mode: all
    - default
    - mycluster-mysql-1
  2. Run kubectl to start an experiment.

    kubectl apply -f ./network-corrupt.yaml

Bandwidth example

  1. Write the experiment configuration to the network-bandwidth.yaml file.

    In the following example, Chaos Mesh sets the bandwidth between the specified Pod and the outside as 1 Kbps and this experiment lasts for 1 minute.

    kind: NetworkChaos
    creationTimestamp: null
    generateName: network-chaos-
    namespace: default
    action: bandwidth
    buffer: 1
    limit: 1
    rate: 1kbps
    direction: to
    duration: 1m
    mode: all
    - default
    - mycluster-mysql-1
  2. Run kubectl to start an experiment.

    kubectl apply -f ./network-bandwidth.yaml

Field description

This table describes the fields in the YAML file.

ParameterTypeDescriptionDefault valueRequiredExample
actionstringIt specifies the fault type to inject. The supported types include partition, loss, delay, duplicate, corrupt and bandwidth.NoneYesbandwidth
durationstringIt specifies the duration of the experiment.NoneYes10s
modestringIt specifies the mode of the experiment. The mode options include one (selecting a random Pod), all (selecting all eligible Pods), fixed (selecting a specified number of eligible Pods), fixed-percent (selecting a specified percentage of Pods from the eligible Pods), and random-max-percent (selecting the maximum percentage of Pods from the eligible Pods).NoneYesfixed-percent
valuestringIt provides parameters for the mode configuration, depending on mode. For example, when mode is set to fixed-percent, value specifies the percentage of Pods.NoneNo50
selectorstructIt specifies the target Pod by defining node and labels.NoneYes.
If not specified, the system kills all pods under the default namespece.
durationstringIt specifies the duration of the experiment.NoneYes30s