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Version: release-0.9

Try out KubeBlocks in 5 minutes on laptop

This guide walks you through the quickest way to get started with KubeBlocks, demonstrating how to create a demo environment (Playground) with one command.

Before you start

Meet the following requirements for a smooth user experience:

  • Minimum system requirements:

    • CPU: 4 cores, use sysctl hw.physicalcpu command to check CPU;
    • RAM: 4 GB, use top -d command to check memory.
  • Make sure the following tools are installed on your laptop:

    • Docker: v20.10.5 (runc ≥ v1.0.0-rc93) or above;
    • kubectl: it is used to interact with Kubernetes clusters;
    • kbcli: it is used for the interaction between Playground and KubeBlocks.

Initialize Playground


  1. Install Playground.

    kbcli playground init

    This command:

    1. Creates a Kubernetes cluster in the container with K3d.
    2. Deploys KubeBlocks in the K3d cluster.
    3. Creates a standalone MySQL cluster.
    • If you previously ran kbcli playground init and it failed, running it again may cause errors. Please run the kbcli playground destroy command first to clean up the environment, then run kbcli playground init again.
    • If you run Playground on Windows and the error below occurs, it is caused by the safety strategy of Windows 11 and the kbcli.exe you operate might be tampered with by a third party (or when you built the kbcli binary file through source on Windows).
    error: failed to set up k3d cluster: failed to create k3d cluster kb-playground: Failed Cluster Start: Failed to start server k3d-kb-playground-server-0: Node k3d-kb-playground-server-0 failed to get ready: error waiting for log line `k3s is up and running` from node 'k3d-kb-playground-server-0': stopped returning log lines

    You can follow the steps to solve this problem.

    1. Uninstall or delete the current kbcli.exe.
    2. Download the latest kbcli by winget or visit the GitHub release page of KubeBlocks to download kbcli again.
  1. Check the MySQL cluster repeatedly until the status becomes Running.

    kbcli cluster list


    You just created a cluster named mycluster in the default namespace. You can find the user guide under the installation success tip. View this guide again by running kbcli playground init -h.

Try KubeBlocks with Playground

You can explore KubeBlocks, by referring to Describe a MySQL cluster, Access a MySQL cluster, Observe a MySQL cluster, and High availability. Go through the following instructions to try basic features of KubeBlocks.

Describe a MySQL cluster


  1. View the database cluster list.

    kbcli cluster list
  2. View the details of a specified database cluster, such as STATUS, Endpoints, Topology, Images, and Events.

    kbcli cluster describe mycluster

Access a MySQL cluster

Option 1. Connect database from container network.

Wait until the status of this cluster is Running, then run kbcli cluster connect to access a specified database cluster. For example,

kbcli cluster connect mycluster

Option 2. Connect database from host network.


  1. Get Credentials.

    kbcli cluster connect --show-example --show-password --client=cli mycluster
  2. Run port-forward.

    kubectl port-forward service/mycluster-mysql 3306:3306
    Forwarding from -> 3306
    Forwarding from [::1]:3306 -> 3306

  3. Open another terminal tab to connect the database cluster.

    mysql -h -P 3306 -u root -paiImelyt
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

    mysql> show databases;
    | Database |
    | information_schema |
    | mydb |
    | mysql |
    | performance_schema |
    | sys |
    5 rows in set (0.02 sec)

Observe a MySQL cluster

KubeBlocks supports complete observability capabilities. This section demonstrates the monitoring function of KubeBlocks.


  1. Open the grafana dashboard.

    kbcli dashboard open kubeblocks-grafana


    A monitoring page on Grafana website is loaded automatically after the command is executed.

  2. Click the Dashboard icon on the left bar and monitoring panels show on the page. Dashboards

  3. Click General -> MySQL to monitor the status of the MySQL cluster. MySQL_panel

High availability of MySQL

This guide shows a simple failure simulation to show you the failure recovery capability of MySQL.

Delete the Standalone MySQL cluster

Delete the Standalone MySQL cluster before trying out high availability.

kbcli cluster delete mycluster

Create a Raft MySQL cluster

You can use kbcli to create a Raft MySQL cluster. The following is an example of creating a Raft MySQL cluster with default configurations.

kbcli cluster create --cluster-definition='apecloud-mysql' --set replicas=3

Simulate leader pod failure recovery

In this example, delete the leader pod to simulate a failure.


  1. Make sure the newly created cluster is Running.

    kbcli cluster list
  2. Find the leader pod name in Topology. In this example, the leader pod's name is maple05-mysql-1.

    kbcli cluster describe maple05
    Name: maple05 Created Time: Jan 27,2023 17:33 UTC+0800
    default apecloud-mysql ac-mysql-8.0.30 Running WipeOut

    mysql ReadWrite <none>

    mysql maple05-mysql-1 leader Running <none> k3d-kubeblocks-playground-server-0/ Jan 30,2023 17:33 UTC+0800
    mysql maple05-mysql-2 follower Running <none> k3d-kubeblocks-playground-server-0/ Jan 30,2023 17:33 UTC+0800
    mysql maple05-mysql-0 follower Running <none> k3d-kubeblocks-playground-server-0/ Jan 30,2023 17:33 UTC+0800

    Resources Allocation:
    mysql false <none> <none> <none> <none>

    mysql mysql

    Events(last 5 warnings, see more:kbcli cluster list-events -n default mycluster):
  3. Delete the leader pod.

    kubectl delete pod maple05-mysql-1
    pod "maple05-mysql-1" deleted
  4. Connect to the Raft MySQL cluster. It can be accessed within seconds.

    kbcli cluster connect maple05
    Connect to instance maple05-mysql-2: out of maple05-mysql-2(leader), maple05-mysql-1(follower), maple05-mysql-0(follower)
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 33
    Server version: 8.0.30 WeSQL Server - GPL, Release 5, Revision d6b8719

    Copyright (c) 2000, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

    Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
    affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


Demonstrate availability failure by NON-STOP NYAN CAT (for fun)

The above example uses kbcli cluster connect to test availability, in which the changes are not obvious to see.

NON-STOP NYAN CAT is a demo application to observe how the database cluster exceptions affect actual businesses. Animations and real-time key information display provided by NON-STOP NYAN CAT can directly show the availability influences of database services.


  1. Install the NYAN CAT demo application.

    kbcli addon enable nyancat
    Expected output enabled   
  2. Check the NYAN CAT addon status and when its status is Enabled, this application is ready.

    kbcli addon list | grep nyancat 
  3. Open the web page.

    kbcli dashboard open kubeblocks-nyancat
  4. Open another terminal tab and delete the leader pod. Then view the influences on the Raft MySQL cluster through the NYAN CAT page.

    kubectl delete pod maple05-mysql-1


  5. Uninstall the NYAN CAT demo application after your trial.

    kbcli addon disable nyancat

Destroy Playground

Destroying Playground cleans up resources and data:

  • Delete all KubeBlocks database clusters.
  • Uninstall KubeBlocks.
  • Delete the Kubernetes cluster created by K3d.

Destroy Playground.

kbcli playground destroy