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Version: release-0.9

Add an add-on to KubeBlocks

This tutorial explains how to integrate an add-on to KubeBlocks, and takes Oracle MySQL as an example. You can also find the PR here.

There are altogether 3 steps to integrate an add-on:

  1. Design cluster blueprint.
  2. Prepare cluster templates.
  3. Add an addon.yaml file.

Step 1. Design a blueprint for cluster

Before getting started, make sure to design your cluster blueprint. Think about what you want your cluster to look like. For example:

  • What components it has
  • What format each component takes
    • stateful/stateless
    • Standalone/Replication/RaftGroup

In this tutorial you will learn how to deploy a cluster with one Stateful component which has only one node. The design configuration of the cluster is shown in the following table.

Cluster Format: Deploying a MySQL 8.0 Standalone.

📎 Table 1. Blueprint for Oracle MySQL Cluster

ClusterDefinitionStartup Scripts: Default
Configuration Files: Default
Service Port: 3306
Number of Components: 1, i.e. MySQL
Cluster.yamlSpecified by the user during creation

Step 2. Prepare cluster templates

2.1 Create a Helm chart

Opt 1.helm create oracle-mysql

Opt 2. Directly create mkdir oracle-mysql

It should contain the following information:

> tree oracle-mysql
├── Chart.yaml # A YAML file containing information about the chart
├── templates # A directory of templates that, when combined with values, will generate valid Kubernetes manifest files.
│   ├── NOTES.txt # OPTIONAL: A plain text file containing short usage notes
│   ├── _helpers.tpl # A place to put template helpers that you can re-use throughout the chart
│   ├── clusterdefinition.yaml
│   └── clusterversion.yaml
└── values.yaml # The default configuration values for this chart

2 directories, 6 files

There are two YAML files under templates, clusterDefinition.yaml and clusterVersion.yaml, which is about the component topology and version.

  • clusterDefinition.yaml

    This YAML file is very long, and each field is explained as follows.

    • ConnectionCredential

      username: root
      password: "$(RANDOM_PASSWD)"
      endpoint: "$(SVC_FQDN):$(SVC_PORT_mysql)"
      host: "$(SVC_FQDN)"
      port: "$(SVC_PORT_mysql)"

      It generates a secret, whose naming convention is {clusterName}-conn-credential.

      The field contains general information such as username, password, endpoint and port, and will be used when other services access the cluster (The secret is created before other resources, which can be used elsewhere).

      $(RANDOM_PASSWD) will be replaced with a random password when created.

      $(SVC_PORT_mysql) specifies the port number to be exposed by selecting the port name. Here the port name is mysql.

      For more information, please refer to KubeBlocks Environment Variables.

    • ComponentDefs

      - name: mysql-compdef
      characterType: mysql
      workloadType: Stateful
      - name: mysql
      port: 3306
      targetPort: mysql

      componentDefs (Component Definitions) defines the basic information required for each component, including startup scripts, configurations and ports.

      Since there is only one MySQL component, you can just name it mysql-compdef, which stands for a component definition for MySQL.

    • name [Required]

      It is the name of the component. As there are no specific criteria, you can just choose a distinguishable and expressive one.

      Remember the equation in the previous article?

      $$ Cluster = ClusterDefinition.yaml \Join ClusterVersion.yaml \Join ... $$

      name here is the join key.

      Remember the name; it will be useful.

    • characterType [Optional]

      characterType is a string type used to identify the engine. For example, mysql, postgresql and redis are several predefined engine types used for database connection. When operating a database, it helps to quickly recognize the engine type and find the matching operation command.

      It can be an arbitrary string, or a unique name as you define. The fact is that people seldom have engine-related operations in the early stage, so you can just leave it blank.

    • workloadType [Required]

      It is the type of workload. Kubernetes is equipped with several basic workload types, such as Deployment and StatefulSet.

      On top of that, KubeBlocks makes abstractions and provides more choices, such as:

      • Stateless, meaning it has no stateful services
      • Stateful, meaning it has stateful services
      • Consensus, meaning it has stateful services with self-election capabilities and roles.

      A more in-depth introduction to workloads will be presented later (including design, implementation, usage, etc.).

      For a MySQL Standalone, Stateful will do.

    • service [Optional]

      - name: mysql #The port name is mysql, so connectionCredential will look for it to find the corresponding port
      port: 3306
      targetPort: mysql

      It defines how to create a service for a component and which ports to expose.

      Remember that in the ConnectionCredential section, it is mentioned that a cluster will expose ports and endpoints?

      You can invoke $(SVC_PORT_mysql)$ to select a port, where mysql is the service.ports[0].name here.


      If the connectionCredential is filled with a port name, make sure the port name appears here.

    • podSpec

      The definition of podSpec is the same as that of the Kubernetes.

      - name: mysql-container
      imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
      - mountPath: /var/lib/mysql
      name: data
      - containerPort: 3306
      name: mysql
      - name: MYSQL_ROOT_HOST
      value: {{ .Values.auth.rootHost | default "%" | quote }}
      - name: MYSQL_ROOT_USER
      key: username
      key: password

      As is shown above, a pod is defined with a single container named mysql-container, along with other essential information, such as environment variables and ports.

      Yet here is something worth noting: $(CONN_CREDENTIAL_SECRET_NAME).

      The username and password are obtained as pod environment variables from the secret in $(CONN_CREDENTIAL_SECRET_NAME).

      This is a placeholder for ConnectionCredential Secret mentioned earlier.

  • clusterVersion.yaml

    All version-related information is configured in clusterVersion.yaml.

    Now you can add the required image information for each container needed for each component.

      clusterDefinitionRef: oracle-mysql
    - componentDefRef: mysql-compdef
    - name: mysql-container
    image: {{ .Values.image.registry | default "" }}/{{ .Values.image.repository }}:{{ .Values.image.tag }}
    imagePullPolicy: {{ default .Values.image.pullPolicy "IfNotPresent" }}

    Remember the ComponentDef Name used in ClusterDefinition? Yes, mysql-compdef, fill in the image information here.


Now you've finished with ClusterDefinition and ClusterVersion, try to do a quick test by installing them locally.

2.2 Install Helm chart

Install Helm.

helm install oracle-mysql ./oracle-mysql

After successful installation, you can see the following information:

NAME: oracle-mysql
LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Aug 2 20:50:33 2023
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed

2.3 Create a cluster

Create a MySQL cluster with kbcli cluster create.

kbcli cluster create mycluster --cluster-definition oracle-mysql
Info: --cluster-version is not specified, ClusterVersion oracle-mysql-8.0.34 is applied by default
Cluster mycluster created

You can specify the name of ClusterDefinition by using --cluster-definition.


If only one ClusterVersion object is associated with this ClusterDefinition, kbcli will use it when creating the cluster.

However, if there are multiple ClusterVersion objects associated, you will need to explicitly specify which one to use.

After the creating, you can:

A. Check cluster status

kbcli cluster list mycluster
mycluster default oracle-mysql oracle-mysql-8.0.34 Delete Running Aug 02,2023 20:52 UTC+0800

B. Connect to the cluster

kbcli cluster connect mycluster
Connect to instance mycluster-mysql-compdef-0
mysql: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 8
Server version: 8.0.34 MySQL Community Server - GPL

Copyright (c) 2000, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its
affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.


C. Scale up a cluster

kbcli cluster vscale mycluster --components mysql-compdef --cpu='2' --memory=2Gi

D. Stop a cluster

Stopping the cluster releases all computing resources.

kbcli cluster stop mycluster

Step 3. Add an addon.yaml file

This is the last step to integrate an add-on to KubeBlocks. After creating this addon.yaml file, this add-on is in the KubeBlocks add-on family. Please refer to tutorial-1-create-an-addon/oracle-mysql-addon.yaml.

kind: Addon
name: tutorial-mysql
description: 'MySQL is a widely used, open-source....'
type: Helm
chartsImage: registry-of-your-helm-chart
autoInstall: false

- enabled: true

And then configure your Helm chart remote repository address with chartsImage.

Step 4. (Optional) Publish to Kubeblocks community

You can contribute the Helm chart to the KubeBlocks add-ons and addon.yaml to the KubeBlocks. The addon.yaml can be found in the kubeblocks/deploy/helm/templates/addons directory.


A.1 How to configure multiple versions for the same engine?

To support multiple versions is one of the common problems in the daily production environment. And the problem can be solved by associating multiple ClusterVersions with the same ClusterDefinition.

Take MySQL as an example.

  1. Modify ClusterVersion.yaml file to support multiple versions.

    kind: ClusterVersion
    name: oracle-mysql-8.0.32
    clusterDefinitionRef: oracle-mysql ## Associate the same clusterdefinition: oracle-mysql
    - componentDefRef: mysql-compdef
    - name: mysql-container
    image: <image-of-mysql-8.0.32> ## The mirror address is 8.0.32
    kind: ClusterVersion
    name: oracle-mysql-8.0.18
    clusterDefinitionRef: oracle-mysql ## Associate the same clusterdefinition: oracle-mysql
    - componentDefRef: mysql-compdef
    - name: mysql-container
    image: <image-of-mysql-8.0.18> ## The mirror address is 8.0.18
  2. Specify the version information when creating a cluster.

    • Create a cluster with version 8.0.32

      kbcli cluster create mycluster --cluster-definition oracle-mysql --cluster-version oracle-mysql-8.0.32
    • Create a cluster with version 8.0.18

      kbcli cluster create mycluster --cluster-definition oracle-mysql --cluster-version oracle-mysql-8.0.18

    It allows you to quickly configure multiple versions for your engine.

A.2 What if kbcli cannot meet your needs?

While kbcli provides a convenient and generic way to create clusters, it may not meet the specific needs of every engine, especially when a cluster contains multiple components and needs to be used according to different requirements.

In that case, try to use a Helm chart to render the cluster, or create it through a cluster.yaml file.

kind: Cluster
name: mycluster
namespace: default
clusterDefinitionRef: oracle-mysql # Specify ClusterDefinition
clusterVersionRef: oracle-mysql-8.0.32 # Specify ClusterVersion
componentSpecs: # List required components
- componentDefRef: mysql-compdef # The type of the first component: mysql-compdef
name: mysql-comp # The name of the first component: mysql-comp
replicas: 1
resources: # Specify CPU and memory size
cpu: "1"
memory: 1Gi
cpu: "1"
memory: 1Gi
volumeClaimTemplates: # Set the PVC information, where the name must correspond to that of the Component Def.
- name: data
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 20Gi
terminationPolicy: Delete