This guide addresses common questions and issues that may arise when upgrading KubeBlocks, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.
Manually mark Addons
In earlier versions, KubeBlocks pre-installed some Addons in the Helm chart, but some of these Addons have been removed in the new version. Consequently, if you upgrade ddirectly from an older version to the latest, Helm will remove the CRs of these removed Addons, affecting the clusters created by these Addons. To prevent this, it is recommended to add the "helm.sh/resource-policy": "keep"
annotation for Addons to ensure they remain during upgraing.
View the Addon annotation
Run the command below to view the annotations of Addons.
kubectl get addon -o json | jq '.items[] | {name: .metadata.name, resource_policy: .metadata.annotations["helm.sh/resource-policy"]}'
Manually add an annotation for Addons
Replace -l app.kubernetes.io/name=kubeblocks
with your actual filter and run the command below to add an annotation.
kubectl annotate addons.extensions.kubeblocks.io -l app.kubernetes.io/name=kubeblocks helm.sh/resource-policy=keep
If you want to add the annotation for a specified Addon, replace {addonName}
with the actual Addon name and run the command below.
kubectl annotate addons.extensions.kubeblocks.io {addonName} helm.sh/resource-policy=keep
If you want to check whether the annotation for an Addon was added successfully, replace {addonName}
with the actual Addon name and run the command below.
kubectl get addon {addonName} -o json | jq '{name: .metadata.name, resource_policy: .metadata.annotations["helm.sh/resource-policy"]}'
Fix "cannot patch 'kubeblocks-dataprotection' with kind Deployment" error
When upgrading KubeBlocks to v0.8.x/v0.9.0, you might encounter the following error:
Error: UPGRADE FAILED: cannot patch "kubeblocks-dataprotection" with kind Deployment: Deployment.apps "kubeblocks-dataprotection" is invalid: spec.selector: Invalid value: v1.LabelSelector{MatchLabels:map[string]string{"app.kubernetes.io/component":"dataprotection", "app.kubernetes.io/instance":"kubeblocks", "app.kubernetes.io/name":"kubeblocks"}, MatchExpressions:[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil)}: field is immutable && cannot patch "kubeblocks" with kind Deployment: Deployment.apps "kubeblocks" is invalid: spec.selector: Invalid value: v1.LabelSelector{MatchLabels:map[string]string{"app.kubernetes.io/component":"apps", "app.kubernetes.io/instance":"kubeblocks", "app.kubernetes.io/name":"kubeblocks"}, MatchExpressions:[]v1.LabelSelectorRequirement(nil)}: field is immutable
This is due to label modifications of KubeBlocks and KubeBlocks-Dataprotection in KubeBlocks v0.9.1.
To resolve the issue, manually delete the kubeblocks
and kubeblocks-dataprotection
deployments, then run helm upgrade to complete the upgrade to v0.9.1.
# Scale to 0 replica
kubectl -n kb-system scale deployment kubeblocks --replicas 0
kubectl -n kb-system scale deployment kubeblocks-dataprotection --replicas 0
# Delete deployments
kubectl delete -n kb-system deployments.apps kubeblocks kubeblocks-dataprotection
Specify an image registry during KubeBlocks upgrade
KubeBlocks v0.8.x uses infracreate-registry.cn-zhangjiakou.cr.aliyuncs.com
and docker.io
as image registries and KubeBlocks v0.9.x uses apecloud-registry.cn-zhangjiakou.cr.aliyuncs.com
and docker.io
When upgrading KubeBlocks, you can override the default image registry by specifying the following parameters.
- kbcli
- Helm
kbcli kb upgrade --version 0.9.1 \
--set admissionWebhooks.enabled=true \
--set admissionWebhooks.ignoreReplicasCheck=true \
--set image.registry=docker.io \
--set dataProtection.image.registry=docker.io \
--set addonChartsImage.registry=docker.io
helm -n kb-system upgrade kubeblocks kubeblocks/kubeblocks --version 0.9.1 \
--set admissionWebhooks.enabled=true \
--set admissionWebhooks.ignoreReplicasCheck=true \
--set image.registry=docker.io \
--set dataProtection.image.registry=docker.io \
--set addonChartsImage.registry=docker.io
Here is an introdution to the flags in the above command.
--set image.registry=docker.io
specifies the KubeBlocks image registry.--set dataProtection.image.registry=docker.io
specifies the KubeBlocks-Dataprotection image registry.--set addonChartsImage.registry=docker.io
specifies Addon Charts image registry.