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Version: release-0.9

Install Addons

Use the index to install an addon

With the release of KubeBlocks v0.8.0, addons are decoupled from KubeBlocks and some addons are not installed by default. If you want to use these addons, add addons first by index.

The official index repo is KubeBlocks index. The code of all addons is maintained in the KubeBlocks addon repo.

  1. View the index.

    kbcli creates an index named kubeblocks by default and you can check whether this index is created by running kbcli addon index list.

    kbcli addon index list

    If the list is empty or you want to add your index, you can add the index manually by using kbcli addon index add <index-name> <source>. For example,

    kbcli addon index add kubeblocks

    If you are not sure whether the kubeblocks index is the latest version, you can update it.

    kbcli addon index update kubeblocks
  2. (Optional) Search whether the addon exists in the index.

    kbcli addon search mariadb
    mariadb 0.7.0 kubeblocks
  3. Install the addon.

    If there are multiple index sources and versions for an addon, you can specify them by adding flags. The system installs the latest version in the kubeblocks index by default.

    kbcli addon install mariadb --index kubeblocks --version 0.7.0

    What's next

    After the addon is installed, you can list and enable it.

List addons

To list supported addons, run kbcli addon list command.

Enable/Disable addons

To manually enable or disable addons, follow the steps below.


  1. To enable an addon, use kbcli addon enable.


    kbcli addon enable snapshot-controller

    To disable an addon, use kbcli addon disable.

  2. List the addons again to check whether it is enabled.

    kbcli addon list