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Upgrade to KubeBlocks v0.9.3

  • Before upgrading, check your current KubeBlocks version:

    Run helm -n kb-system list | grep kubeblocks or kbcli version.

  • For upgrading to different versions:

    Installing the latest version is recommended for better performance and features.


KubeBlocks v0.9.3 is compatible with KubeBlocks v0.8 APIs, but compatibility with APIs from versions prior to v0.8 is not guaranteed. If you are using Addons from KubeBlocks v0.7 or earlier (v0.6, etc), DO upgrade KubeBlocks and all Addons to v0.8 first to ensure service availability before upgrading to v0.9.

If you are upgrading from v0.8 to v0.9, it's recommended to enable webhook to ensure the availability.

Upgrade from KubeBlocks v0.9.x

  1. View Addon and check whether the "": "keep" annotation exists.

    KubeBlocks streamlines the default installed engines. Add the "": "keep" annotation to avoid deleting Addon resources that are already in use during the upgrade.

    Check whether the "": "keep" annotation is added.

    kubectl get addon -o json | jq '.items[] | {name:, resource_policy: .metadata.annotations[""]}'

    If the annotation doesn't exist, run the command below to add it. You can replace -l with your actual filter name.

    kubectl annotate -l
  2. Install CRD.

    To reduce the size of Helm chart, KubeBlocks v0.8 removes CRD from the Helm chart. Before upgrading, you need to install CRD.

    kubectl replace -f
  3. Upgrade KubeBlocks.

    helm -n kb-system upgrade kubeblocks kubeblocks/kubeblocks --version 0.9.3 --set crd.enabled=false

    Upgrading from v0.9.0/v0.9.1/v0.9.2 to v0.9.3 doesn't include API change, so you can set --set crd.enabled=false to skip the API upgrade task.


    To avoid affecting existing database clusters, when upgrading to KubeBlocks v0.9.3, the versions of already-installed Addons will not be upgraded by default. If you want to upgrade the Addons to the versions built into KubeBlocks v0.9.3, execute the following command. Note that this may restart existing clusters and affect availability. Please proceed with caution.

    helm -n kb-system upgrade kubeblocks kubeblocks/kubeblocks --version 0.9.3 \
    --set upgradeAddons=true \
    --set crd.enabled=false

Upgrade from KubeBlocks v0.8.x

  1. View Addon and check whether the "": "keep" annotation exists.

    KubeBlocks streamlines the default installed engines. Add the "": "keep" annotation to avoid deleting Addon resources that are already in use during the upgrade.

    Check whether the "": "keep" annotation is added.

    kubectl get addon -o json | jq '.items[] | {name:, resource_policy: .metadata.annotations[""]}'

    If the annotation doesn't exists, run the command below to add it. You can replace -l with your actual filter name.

    kubectl annotate -l
  2. Delete the incompatible OpsDefinition.

    kubectl delete kafka-quota kafka-topic kafka-user-acl switchover
  3. Install CRD.

    To reduce the size of Helm chart, KubeBlocks v0.8 removed CRD from the Helm chart and changed the group of StorageProvider. Before upgrading, you need to install StorageProvider CRD first.

    If the network is slow, it's recommended to download the CRD YAML file on your localhost before further operations.

    kubectl create -f
  4. Upgrade KubeBlocks.

    Here are some options that need your attention before the upgrade.

    • Setting admissionWebhooks.enabled=true enables the webhook, supporting the multi-version conversion of the ConfigConstraint API.
    • Setting admissionWebhooks.ignoreReplicasCheck=true enables the webhook by default only when KubeBlocks is deployed with 3 replicas. If only a single replica is deployed, you can configure this variable to bypass the check.
    • If the KubeBlocks you are running uses the image registry starting with infracreate-registry, it is recommended to explicitly configure the image registry during the upgrade. Refer to FAQ for details.
    helm repo add kubeblocks

    helm repo update kubeblocks

    helm -n kb-system upgrade kubeblocks kubeblocks/kubeblocks --version 0.9.3 \
    --set admissionWebhooks.enabled=true \
    --set admissionWebhooks.ignoreReplicasCheck=true

    To avoid affecting existing database clusters, when upgrading to KubeBlocks v0.9.3, the versions of already-installed Addons will not be upgraded by default. If you want to upgrade the Addons to the versions built into KubeBlocks v0.9.3, execute the following command. Note that this may restart existing clusters and affect availability. Please proceed with caution.

    helm -n kb-system upgrade kubeblocks kubeblocks/kubeblocks --version 0.9.3 \
    --set upgradeAddons=true \
    --set admissionWebhooks.enabled=true \
    --set admissionWebhooks.ignoreReplicasCheck=true

Upgrade Addons

If you didn't specify upgradeAddons as true or your Addon is not included in the default installed Addons, you can upgrade Addons by running the commands provided below to use the v0.9.x API.

  • If the Addon you want to upgrade is mysql, you need to upgrade this Addon and restart the cluster. Otherwise, the cluster created in KubeBlocks v0.8.x cannot be used in v0.9.x.

  • If the Addon you want to use is clickhouse/milvus/elasticsearch/llm, you need to upgrade KubeBlocks first and then upgrade this Addon. Otherwise, these Addons cannot be used in KubeBlocks v0.9.x normally.

# Add Helm repo 
helm repo add kubeblocks-addons

# If github is not accessible or the network is very slow for you, please use following repo instead
helm repo add kubeblocks-addons

# Update helm repo
helm repo update

# Search the available Addon versions
helm search repo kubeblocks-addons/{addon-name} --versions --devel

# Update addon version
helm upgrade -i {addon-release-name} kubeblocks-addons/{addon-name} --version x.y.z -n kb-system


Refer to the FAQ to address common questions and issues that may arise when upgrading KubeBlocks. If your question isn't covered, you can submit an issue or start a discussion on upgrading on GitHub.