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What is PITR (Point-in-Time Recovery)?

PITR (Point-in-Time Recovery) is a database backup and recovery technique commonly used in Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS). It allows for the recovery of data changes to a specific point in time, restoring the database to a state prior to that point. In PITR, the database system regularly creates full backups and logs all transactions thereafter, including insert, update, and delete operations. During recovery, the system first restores the most recent full backup, and then applies the transaction logs recorded after the backup, bringing the database back to the desired state.

KubeBlocks supports PITR for databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL. This documentation takes PostgreSQL PITR as an example.

How to perform PITR?

  1. View the timestamps to which the cluster can be restored.

    kbcli cluster describe pg-cluster
    Data Protection:
    minio Enabled */5 * * * * archive-wal 8d May 07,2024 15:29:46 UTC+0800 ~ May 07,2024 15:48:47 UTC+0800

    RECOVERABLE-TIME represents the time range within which the cluster can be restored.

    It can be seen that the current backup time range is May 07,2024 15:29:46 UTC+0800 ~ May 07,2024 15:48:47 UTC+0800. Still, a full backup is required for data restoration, and this full backup must be completed within the time range of the log backups.

  2. Restore the cluster to a specific point in time.

    kbcli cluster restore pg-cluster-pitr --restore-to-time 'May 07,2024 15:48:47 UTC+0800' --backup <continuousBackupName>
  3. Check the status of the new cluster.

    kbcli cluster list pg-cluster-pitr

    Once the status turns to Running, it indicates a successful operation.