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Expand volume

You can expand the storage volume size of each pod.

Before you start

Check whether the cluster status is Running. Otherwise, the following operations may fail.

kbcli cluster list pulsar-cluster


  1. Configure the values of --components, --volume-claim-templates, and --storage, and run the command below to expand the volume.


    Expand volume for journal first. ledger volume expansion must be performed after the journal volume expansion.

    • Expand volume for journal.

      kbcli cluster volume-expand pulsar-cluster --storage=40Gi --components=bookies -t journal  
      • --components describes the component name for volume expansion.
      • --volume-claim-templates describes the VolumeClaimTemplate names in components.
      • --storage describes the volume storage size.
    • Expand volume for ledger.

      kbcli cluster volume-expand pulsar-cluster --storage=200Gi --components=bookies -t ledgers  
  1. Validate the volume expansion operation.

    kubectl get ops  
    • STATUS=Updating: it means the volume expansion is in progress.
    • STATUS=Running: it means the volume expansion operation has been applied.
  2. Check whether the corresponding resources change.

    kbcli cluster describe pulsar-cluster