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Uninstall KubeBlocks and kbcli

Uninstallation order:

  1. Delete all clusters and backups before uninstalling KubeBlocks and kbcli.

    kubectl delete cluster <clustername> -n namespace
    kubectl delete backup <backname> -n namespace
  2. Uninstall KubeBlocks.

Uninstall KubeBlocks

Delete all the clusters and resources created before performing the following command, otherwise the uninstallation may not be successful.

helm uninstall kubeblocks --namespace kb-system

Helm does not delete CRD objects. You can delete the ones KubeBlocks created with the following commands:

kubectl get crd -o name | grep | xargs kubectl delete

Uninstall kbcli

Uninstall kbcli if you want to delete kbcli after your trial. Use the same option as the way you install kbcli.

For curl, run

sudo rm /usr/local/bin/kbcli

For brew, run

brew uninstall kbcli

kbcli creates a hidden folder named ~/.kbcli under the HOME directory to store configuration information and temporary files. You can delete this folder after uninstalling kbcli.