KubeBlocks CLI Overview
Addon command.
- kbcli addon delete-resources-with-version - Delete the sub-resources of specified addon and versions
- kbcli addon describe - Describe an addon specification.
- kbcli addon disable - Disable an addon.
- kbcli addon enable - Enable an addon.
- kbcli addon index - Manage custom addon indexes
- kbcli addon install - Install KubeBlocks addon
- kbcli addon list - List addons.
- kbcli addon search - Search the addon from index
- kbcli addon uninstall - Uninstall an existed addon
- kbcli addon upgrade - Upgrade an existed addon to latest version or a specified version
BackupRepo command.
- kbcli backuprepo create - Create a backup repository
- kbcli backuprepo delete - Delete a backup repository.
- kbcli backuprepo describe - Describe a backup repository.
- kbcli backuprepo list - List Backup Repositories.
- kbcli backuprepo list-storage-provider - List storage providers.
- kbcli backuprepo update - Update a backup repository.
Cluster command.
- kbcli cluster backup - Create a backup for the cluster.
- kbcli cluster cancel-ops - Cancel the pending/creating/running OpsRequest which type is vscale or hscale.
- kbcli cluster configure - Configure parameters with the specified components in the cluster.
- kbcli cluster connect - Connect to a cluster or instance.
- kbcli cluster create - Create a cluster.
- kbcli cluster custom-ops -
- kbcli cluster delete - Delete clusters.
- kbcli cluster delete-backup - Delete a backup.
- kbcli cluster delete-ops - Delete an OpsRequest.
- kbcli cluster describe - Show details of a specific cluster.
- kbcli cluster describe-backup - Describe a backup.
- kbcli cluster describe-backup-policy - Describe backup policy
- kbcli cluster describe-config - Show details of a specific reconfiguring.
- kbcli cluster describe-ops - Show details of a specific OpsRequest.
- kbcli cluster describe-restore - Describe a restore
- kbcli cluster diff-config - Show the difference in parameters between the two submitted OpsRequest.
- kbcli cluster edit-backup-policy - Edit backup policy
- kbcli cluster edit-config - Edit the config file of the component.
- kbcli cluster explain-config - List the constraint for supported configuration params.
- kbcli cluster expose - Expose a cluster with a new endpoint, the new endpoint can be found by executing 'kbcli cluster describe NAME'.
- kbcli cluster label - Update the labels on cluster
- kbcli cluster list - List clusters.
- kbcli cluster list-backup-policies - List backups policies.
- kbcli cluster list-backups - List backups.
- kbcli cluster list-components - List cluster components.
- kbcli cluster list-events - List cluster events.
- kbcli cluster list-instances - List cluster instances.
- kbcli cluster list-logs - List supported log files in cluster.
- kbcli cluster list-ops - List all opsRequests.
- kbcli cluster list-restores - List restores.
- kbcli cluster logs - Access cluster log file.
- kbcli cluster promote - Promote a non-primary or non-leader instance as the new primary or leader of the cluster
- kbcli cluster rebuild-instance - Rebuild the specified instances in the cluster.
- kbcli cluster register - Pull the cluster chart to the local cache and register the type to 'create' sub-command
- kbcli cluster restart - Restart the specified components in the cluster.
- kbcli cluster restore - Restore a new cluster from backup.
- kbcli cluster scale-in - scale in replicas of the specified components in the cluster.
- kbcli cluster scale-out - scale out replicas of the specified components in the cluster.
- kbcli cluster start - Start the cluster if cluster is stopped.
- kbcli cluster stop - Stop the cluster and release all the pods of the cluster.
- kbcli cluster update - Update the cluster settings, such as enable or disable monitor or log.
- kbcli cluster upgrade - Upgrade the service version(only support to upgrade minor version).
- kbcli cluster volume-expand - Expand volume with the specified components and volumeClaimTemplates in the cluster.
- kbcli cluster vscale - Vertically scale the specified components in the cluster.
ClusterDefinition command.
- kbcli clusterdefinition describe - Describe ClusterDefinition.
- kbcli clusterdefinition list - List ClusterDefinitions.
ComponentDefinition command.
- kbcli componentdefinition describe - Describe ComponentDefinition.
- kbcli componentdefinition list - List ComponentDefinition.
ComponentVersions command.
- kbcli componentversion describe - Describe ComponentVersion.
- kbcli componentversion list - List ComponentVersion.
List and open the KubeBlocks dashboards.
- kbcli dashboard list - List all dashboards.
- kbcli dashboard open - Open one dashboard.
Data protection command.
- kbcli dataprotection backup - Create a backup for the cluster.
- kbcli dataprotection delete-backup - Delete a backup.
- kbcli dataprotection describe-backup - Describe a backup
- kbcli dataprotection describe-backup-policy - Describe a backup policy
- kbcli dataprotection describe-restore - Describe a restore
- kbcli dataprotection edit-backup-policy - Edit backup policy
- kbcli dataprotection list-action-sets - List actionsets
- kbcli dataprotection list-backup-policies - List backup policies
- kbcli dataprotection list-backup-policy-templates - List backup policy templates
- kbcli dataprotection list-backups - List backups.
- kbcli dataprotection list-restores - List restores.
- kbcli dataprotection restore - Restore a new cluster from backup
KubeBlocks operation commands.
- kbcli kubeblocks compare - List the changes between two different version KubeBlocks.
- kbcli kubeblocks config - KubeBlocks config.
- kbcli kubeblocks describe-config - Describe KubeBlocks config.
- kbcli kubeblocks install - Install KubeBlocks.
- kbcli kubeblocks list-versions - List KubeBlocks versions.
- kbcli kubeblocks preflight - Run and retrieve preflight checks for KubeBlocks.
- kbcli kubeblocks status - Show list of resource KubeBlocks uses or owns.
- kbcli kubeblocks uninstall - Uninstall KubeBlocks.
- kbcli kubeblocks upgrade - Upgrade KubeBlocks.
ops-definitions command.
- kbcli ops-definition describe - Describe OpsDefinition.
- kbcli ops-definition list - List OpsDefinition.
Print the list of flags inherited by all commands.
Bootstrap or destroy a playground KubeBlocks in local host or cloud.
- kbcli playground destroy - Destroy the playground KubeBlocks and kubernetes cluster.
- kbcli playground init - Bootstrap a kubernetes cluster and install KubeBlocks for playground.
Provides utilities for interacting with plugins.
Plugins provide extended functionality that is not part of the major command-line distribution.
- kbcli plugin describe - Describe a plugin
- kbcli plugin index - Manage custom plugin indexes
- kbcli plugin install - Install kbcli or kubectl plugins
- kbcli plugin list - List all visible plugin executables on a user's PATH
- kbcli plugin search - Search kbcli or kubectl plugins
- kbcli plugin uninstall - Uninstall kbcli or kubectl plugins
- kbcli plugin upgrade - Upgrade kbcli or kubectl plugins
Report kubeblocks or cluster info.
- kbcli report cluster - Report Cluster information
- kbcli report kubeblocks - Report KubeBlocks information, including deployments, events, logs, etc.
trace management command
- kbcli trace create - create a trace.
- kbcli trace delete - Delete a trace.
- kbcli trace list - list all traces.
- kbcli trace update - update a trace.
- kbcli trace watch - watch a trace.
Print the version information, include kubernetes, KubeBlocks and kbcli version.