Environment variables and placeholders
Environment variables
Pod container environment variables
The following variables are injected by KubeBlocks into each pod.
Name | Description |
KB_POD_NAME | K8s Pod Name |
KB_NAMESPACE | K8s Pod Namespace |
KB_SA_NAME | KubeBlocks Service Account Name |
KB_NODENAME | K8s Node Name |
KB_HOSTIP | K8s Host IP address |
KB_PODIP | K8s Pod IP address |
KB_PODIPS | K8s Pod IP addresses |
KB_POD_UID | POD UID (pod.metadata.uid ) |
KB_CLUSTER_NAME | KubeBlocks Cluster API object name |
KB_COMP_NAME | Running pod's KubeBlocks Cluster API object's .spec.components.name |
KB_CLUSTER_COMP_NAME | Running pod's KubeBlocks Cluster API object's <.metadata.name>-<.spec.components.name> |
KB_REPLICA_COUNT | Running pod's component's replica |
KB_CLUSTER_UID | Running pods' KubeBlocks Cluster API object's metadata.uid |
KB_CLUSTER_UID_POSTFIX_8 | Last eight digits of KB_CLUSTER_UID |
KB_{ordinal}_HOSTNAME | Running pod's hostname, where {ordinal} is the ordinal of pod. N/A if workloadType=Stateless. |
KB_POD_FQDN | Running pod's fully qualified domain name (FQDN). N/A if workloadType=Stateless. |
Built-in Place-holders
ComponentValueFrom API
Name | Description |
POD_ORDINAL | Pod ordinal |
POD_FQDN | Pod FQDN (fully qualified domain name) |
POD_NAME | Pod Name |
ConnectionCredential API
Name | Description |
UUID | Generate a random UUID v4 string. |
UUID_B64 | Generate a random UUID v4 BASE64 encoded string. |
UUID_STR_B64 | Generate a random UUID v4 string then BASE64 encoded. |
UUID_HEX | Generate a random UUID v4 HEX representation. |
HEADLESS_SVC_FQDN | Headless service FQDN placeholder, value pattern - $(CLUSTER_NAME)-$(1ST_COMP_NAME)-headless.$(NAMESPACE).svc , where 1ST_COMP_NAME is the 1st component that provide ClusterDefinition.spec.componentDefs[].service attribute. |
SVC_FQDN | Service FQDN placeholder, value pattern - $(CLUSTER_NAME)-$(1ST_COMP_NAME).$(NAMESPACE).svc , where 1ST_COMP_NAME is the 1st component that provide ClusterDefinition.spec.componentDefs[].service attribute. |
SVC_PORT_{PORT_NAME} | A ServicePort's port value with specified port name, i.e, a servicePort JSON struct: {"name": "mysql", "targetPort": "mysqlContainerPort", "port": 3306} , and "$(SVC_PORT_mysql)" in the connection credential value is 3306. |
RANDOM_PASSWD | Random 8 characters |