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Monitor a database

With the built-in database observability, you can observe the database health status and track and measure your database in real-time to optimize database performance. This section shows how database monitoring tools work with KubeBlocks and how to use the monitoring function.

For the test/demo environment

Enable monitoring addons

KubeBlocks integrates open-source monitoring components, such as Prometheus, AlertManager, and Grafana, by addons and adopts the custom apecloud-otel-collector to collect the monitoring indicators of databases and host machines. You can use these addons for the test or demo environment.

  • prometheus: it includes Prometheus and AlertManager addons.
  • grafana: it includes Grafana monitoring addons.
  • victoria-metrics: it collects metrics from various sources and stores them to VictoriaMetrics.
  • victoria-metrics-agent: it collects metrics from various sources, relabel and filter the collected metrics and store them in VictoriaMetrics or any other storage systems via Prometheus remote_write protocol or via VictoriaMetrics remote_write protocol.
  • alertmanager-webhook-adaptor: it includes the notification extension and is used to extend the notification capability of AlertManager. Currently, the custom bots of Feishu, DingTalk, and Wechat Enterprise are supported.
  • apecloud-otel-collector: it is used to collect the indicators of databases and the host machine.



Here is an example of enabling the prometheus addon. You can enable other monitoring addons by replacing prometheus in the example with the name of other addons.

  1. (Optional) Add the KubeBlocks repo. If you install KubeBlocks with Helm, just run helm repo update.

    helm repo add kubeblocks
    helm repo update
  2. View the addon versions.

    helm search repo kubeblocks/prometheus --devel --versions
  3. Install the addon.

    helm install prometheus kubeblocks/prometheus --namespace kb-system --create-namespace
  4. Verify whether this addon is installed.

    The STATUS is deployed and this addon is installed successfully.

    helm list -A
    prometheus kb-system 1 2024-05-31 12:01:52.872584 +0800 CST deployed prometheus-15.16.1 2.39.1

Enable the monitoring function for a database

The open-source or customized Exporter is injected after the monitoring function is enabled. This Exporter can be found by the Prometheus server automatically and scrape monitoring indicators at regular intervals.

If you disable the monitoring function when creating a cluster, run the command below to enable it.

kubectl patch cluster mycluster -n demo --type "json" -p '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/componentSpecs/0/disableExporter","value":false}]'

If you want to disable the monitoring function, run the command below to disable it.

kubectl patch cluster mycluster -n namespace --type "json" -p '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/componentSpecs/0/disableExporter","value":true}]'

You can also edit the cluster.yaml to enable/disable the monitoring function.

kubectl edit cluster mycluster -n demo
- name: mysql
componentDefRef: mysql
- error
- general
- slow
disableExporter: false # Change this value

View the dashboard

Use the grafana addon provided by KubeBlocks to view the dashboard.

  1. Get the username and password of the grafana addon.

    kubectl get secret grafana -n kb-system -o jsonpath='{.data.admin-user}' |base64 -d

    kubectl get secret grafana -n kb-system -o jsonpath='{.data.admin-password}' |base64 -d
  2. Run the command below to connect to the Grafana dashboard.

    kubectl port-forward svc/grafana -n kb-system 3000:80
    Forwarding from -> 3000
    Forwarding from [::1]:3000 -> 3000
    Handling connection for 3000
  3. Open the web browser and enter the address to visit the dashboard.

  4. Enter the username and password obtained from step 1.


If there is no data in the dashboard, you can check whether the job is kubeblocks-service. Enter kubeblocks-service in the job field and press the enter button.


(Optional) Enable remote write

KubeBlocks supports the victoria-metrics-agent addon to enable you to remotely write the data to your VM. Compared with the native Prometheus, vmgent is lighter.

Install the victoria-metrics-agent addon.

helm install  vm kubeblocks/victoria-metrics-agent --set remoteWriteUrls={http://<remoteWriteUrl>:<port>/<remote write path>}

For detailed settings, you can refer to Victoria Metrics docs.

For the production environment

Integrate monitoring tools

For the production environment, it is highly recommended to build your monitoring system or purchase a third-party monitoring service. You can follow the docs of monitoring tools to integrate the tools with KubeBlocks.

Enable the monitoring function for a database

The open-source or customized Exporter is injected after the monitoring function is enabled. This Exporter can be found by the Prometheus server automatically and scrape monitoring indicators at regular intervals.

If you disable the monitoring function when creating a cluster, run the command below to enable it.

kubectl patch cluster mycluster -n demo --type "json" -p '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/componentSpecs/0/disableExporter","value":false}]'

If you want to disable the monitoring function, run the command below to disable it.

kubectl patch cluster mycluster -n namespace --type "json" -p '[{"op":"add","path":"/spec/componentSpecs/0/disableExporter","value":true}]'

You can also edit the cluster.yaml to enable/disable the monitoring function.

kubectl edit cluster mycluster -n demo
- name: mysql
componentDefRef: mysql
- error
- general
- slow
disableExporter: true # Change this value

View the dashboard

You can view the dashboard of the corresponding cluster via Grafana Web Console. For more detailed information, see the Grafana dashboard documentation.

(Optional) Enable remote write

KubeBlocks supports the victoria-metrics-agent addon to enable you to remotely write the data to your VM. Compared with the native Prometheus, vmgent is lighter and supports the horizontal extension.

Install the victoria-metrics-agent addon.

helm install vm kubeblocks/victoria-metrics-agent --set remoteWriteUrls={http://<remoteWriteUrl>:<port>/<remote write path>}

For detailed settings, you can refer to Victoria Metrics docs.